What is Ayurveda and why is it relevant in today's society?
Ayurveda is a 5,000 year-old medical system with its roots in the Indian subcontinent. The Indian Rishis developed a truly personalised and holistic medical science based on what in today's scientific terms is called our genetic predispositions. Yet, Ayurveda's wisdom and principles are more than ever relevant in today's society. Ayurveda's mains tennets such as the relevance of nutrition and lifestyle are increasingly recognised by scientists as critical factors in maintaining and recovering our health. Modern research is now recognising the importance of a healthy microbiome and the impact that it has in various other parts of our body such as immunity. Per Ayurveda, most if not all diseases start with a dysfunctional digestion. Furthermore, Ayurvedic practices are also sustainable. The importance of eating seasonally and locally are at the root of its scientific knowledge of the cycles of nature and its effects in our bodies.
Yet Ayurveda is more than just a medical science, it is actually a compilation of wisdom on how to live a better life. For Ayurveda, a healthy individual is one that is able to live in harmony in all contexts. To achieve this Ayurveda focuses not just on the body but also on the emotions and mind of the patient. It is therefore a truly holistic science and transforms and enriches us constantly.

Ayurveda ancient texts in banana leaves and preparation of Ayurvedic remedies